21 January 2010

Feeling Bonsai

 Bonsai in Florida

austere bonsai

One of the most beautiful things in the world is the peace and simplicity evoked from staring at bonsai all afternoon. I had the pleasure of going to the Morikami Museum in Boca Raton, FL, the other day and they have such a fabulous bonsai display.  Since you couldn't be there to sit in serenity, I hope a few pictures will bring clarity to your afteroon.

bonsai 1
1. Autumn Bonsai, 2. Bonsai, 3. Slow Sculpture, 4. Autumn Bonsai

Bonsai 2

1. Bonsai, 2. Tree Shadow, 3. Peace and Serenity, 4. Lilac Bonsai

Peace be with you,

1 comment:

Changing with Time said...

Yay! So glad you enjoyed it. Were the bonsai trees inside? Last time i was there they were all outside in the garden area but i haven't been there in almost 2 years.
Love this site by the way. The layout is very nice. Very pleasing to the eye.


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