13 February 2010

from the mouth of a child

My best friend sent this to me when her 6 year-old daughter compiled a description of herself for a school assignment.  I thought it was just the right sentiment for daydreaming this weekend...

"M was born on January 7, 2004. This young author lives with two adorable cats, one good dog, two rough brothers, a nice mommy and a very good daddy on a mountain in California. M’s favorite thing to do when she is not in school is watch tv, take a nap, color and draw cards and pictures, jump on the trampoline, climb trees and play with friends. Her favorite color is all the colors, her favorite ice cream is strawberry and her favorite food is buttered noodles. By her 2011 birthday, M would like to be a better writer and a sweeter sister. A few other other things this author would like to do in the future are visit Disneyland and Paris, fly ‘for real’ like a bird and become a chef."

How would your 6 year-old self feel about your life now?
Happy Weekend...

1 comment:

Michele said...

My daughter says that the correct answer to "Who is your favorite person?" should always be "Me." She firmly believes that you should always like yourself best. Both daughters will tell you, without hesitation, that they are AWESOME.

No self esteem issues at my house.


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